It’s a new year, a new day, but is it a new dawn?

In the climate we have been in for the last few (7ish) years, the new year brings more of ‘will I survive this year’ than a spirit of new year positive resolutions. The difference however in the last 3/4 years is that as a member of Burren Ecotourism you don’t feel that isolation.

What I mean by this is that there are many ‘one man shows’ business within the network and having the opportunity to chat to people about similar issues bring a less panicked feeling and more of a sense ‘well I’m not alone here’.

So yes it’s a new year and each day will bring its own new challenges – As for a new dawn, I’m not sure, but I have 300 + days to figure that one out!






A lot of Business in The Burren are seasonal not least of all my own business Kilfenora Hostel. So from the 1st of February to the end of October, at a push, I am open and all are welcome. From November to January I’m closed to recharged my batteries. (In theory, but I work next door from my brother in our family pub, Vaughan’s)

Blog by Orla Vaughan
Kilfenora Hostel


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